
Experience mindful travel, made just for you

It’s: space to pause and focus on you. It’s: the gift of being present in a place that inspires. It’s: the opportunity to reconnect with the ones you chose to share it all with—and with yourself.

I understand that your travel “why” is way bigger than “I just want to get away.” You want and need more out of your travel experience. I’m here to deliver.

Travel is so much more than a plane ticket.

Give yourself the gift that keeps giving back:
a luxury travel experience that leads to endless memories.

Travel had always been my salve, but as my husband and I were raising our family, we put it on the back burner. It became clear to us, though, that now travel was exactly what we all needed: it was a way for me to step out of my everyday roles and connect with myself again. It was a way to reconnect with my husband and children on a deeper level we just didn’t get when we were simply trying to make it through the week. And it was a way for us to recharge from the burnout of our high-stress, always-busy, overburdened lives.

And I believe it’s exactly what you need—and deserve—too. If you’re in the midst of juggling that high-wire balancing act yourself, a deeply fulfilling travel experience lets you lay down all your spinning plates and recalibrate. Let my team and I plan it all for you, so you can make the most of your journey with expert insights, seamless logistics, and once-in-a-lifetime experiences that make getting on that flight absolutely worth it.

The good news was that I already knew what I needed: travel.

I founded my travel agency to work with overwhelmed and overcommitted women because I am one myself. “Wife,” “mother,” “caretaker,” “career woman” … I know exactly what it’s like to take on so many roles that you lose sight of yourself in the process.

In fact, Meg Zimpfer Travel was born out of my own breaking point. Like many midlife women, I was stuck between taking care of my young children and my aging parents—in addition to keeping up with career goals, home life, and carving out time with my husband.

It was already a delicate balancing act, but then something happened that tipped things out of control: in 2022, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Luckily, it was caught early, but such a major diagnosis made me realize that the “balancing act” I thought I had perfected wasn’t serving me, or my loved ones. I was already doing all the “right” things—eating well and taking care of my body (in fact, I had been a certified yoga instructor for 11+ years!), And yet, my stress level was so high; I was exhausted all of the time. I had reached a point at which regular, day-to-day “self care” just wasn’t cutting it.

Meet Meg Zimpfer

Your Luxury Travel Advisor

It’s time to flip the script from disconnected, disengaged, and feeling like there’s never enough time in the day, to … wholly present, delightfully surprised, and on no one else’s schedule but your own.

And—I know this is a big one—it’s time to let someone else take care of you for a change. That’s where a tailored travel experience designed by MZT comes in. 

Discover the MZT planning packages, perks, and process

My Travel Services

A few of my Favorite Adventures


A semester abroad in a place that always heals and inspires me.

Number One


A girl's getaway that nourished my soul and recharged my heart.

Number Two


A beautiful, exhilarating, and memorable honeymoon.

Number Three

A solo trip where I uncovered and discovered new dreams.


Number Four

A new-to-me culture introduced by a native led to dancing the night away and unforgettable memories.


Number Five

One that relaxes, refuels, and reconnects you
to the deepest parts of yourself.

Start designing the
escape you deserve